Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Think Globally Act locally

Passing through the corridor these days I get to read so many "Though of the Day's" and Motto's every day... whilst the notice board is glowing these days with all these new things I am really finding it helpful that I have so many Ideas to Blog...

One of such motto was something that I read in the notice board today ... "Think Globally Act locally" it really co-incides with something that I am reading these days .. Mr. Sheshadri's book "Innovation Management" the fact that the example given by Mr. Sheshadri and the co-author is more or less for Innovation I really consider it to be one of the basic PM necessity.. How?

When Project Management Strategies are defined, processes mocked, theories streamlined and entities catered they are all done at the Global level meaning the new trends, technologies, gadgets, theroams and strategies need to be considered.. but when it comes to implementation it has to be thought at the local level...

Let me give you an example...
Company X realised that motivation is one of the ultimate tasks in retaining the relationships with an employee and having a long term relationships... motivation by any means can be useful and that needs to be tried... when it came to defining what can motivate the employees the company directors thought of several things that included Pay raise, Open work culture, Games and gaming zones in the office... eventually it was at a global level meaning this was thought as a global package to the whole company worldwide... but when it came to implement the strategy to a local level meaning ...

The Directors of the Indian Division felt that there is much more than this that needs to be done to motivate... this vision from the directors came to a conclusion that the Indian Part of the firm needs to be promoted as the Global Development Center which will also have a Division for R&D that will be done for the company here.. while the Global Beurocrats thought of X factors to motivate the Indian division thought of motivating the Team with a fact that many of the Indian Developers were always keen to be on the Technology side and wanted to work and develop something more innovative.. This also lead to Travels and increased co-ordination between teams worldwide and definately leading towards a greater product.

While this is not the only way where the Header works... When I tried Project Management at my House it helped achieving some common goals... I realised while talking to many of the collegues and there spouses on the ways to make kids study... some said sit with them and study , some asked to take them to gardens in open air and study, some said use CBT's and some were of opinion to let them join the tutions... After considering all these suggestions and the nature and habits of my kids I realised that the best way to make them study is to leave them on their own and let them explore what they should learn... meaning I had to take them to a Zoo to make them learn what animals are and what are the types etc, morever I had to build charts all across so that they identify what they have seen in the zoo and last but not the least We try to play movies on the DVD's that contains such animals.. so be it a slow and a bit more expensive process at least it works well with my kids...

While I am going to go through the list that Vipin had posted on the notice board to talk more... I believe it is more sensible to Think Globally but act locally ;) and thats why my blogs are going to go away from the ususal Management stuff ;)


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