Monday, 2 July 2007

Creating a Bug?

I always think that Management is all about investing keeping in mind the ROI. Eventually lot of the Managers today know investing but not sure if they understand how and where to generate the ROI from... Well the reason why my post hits the blog is a recent incident that happened... Around a month ago I met a mother of a kid from my son's nursery school and while talking to her I realised that she was planning to get her child out of the school to a new one because she thinks that the school is putting too much pressure on her son and she wants her son do some painting and dancing along with swimming. Lately when I saw her again while going to drop my son to the school we had a chat that hit my mind badly.... She wanted to invest some more time so that her son learns been a bit pressured to study and manage things out...

Goshh.... Well you don't need to meet a mother to know the problem we have here... darn.. I think it sheer BAD Management well in our day to day lives as Project Managers we face similar things... things that can hurt damm hard... wana know How?

Tom is a Manager by mind, Developer by heart, QA by lungs and a Leader by Ears and ofcourse a Dictator by attitude... To be honest he is Jack of All and King of None... His Manager Harry invested time on him to create a backup, while everything went fine.. the Jack attitude took Tom to mis understand and interpret things negatively... eventually it resulted into a Over head for Harry.... the final outcome of the investment was Tom was out working for another company in the same way he started with Harry...

So whats the problem here? Lets relate the 2 stories to find whats the ROOT Problem here...


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