Saturday, 11 August 2007

Are your Best Guys in Action?

Lately reading the Technical Interview I took from Suresh and to my earlier post regarding the Diminishing Software Quality I am really really sad when I look at the way the software's are developed and manhandled afterwords... A simple question I ask to myself looking at the IT Industry boom in India is "Are the Best Guy's doing what they are Best at?" ... Surprised to listen? I myself feel NO.. The Best Programmer in a Technology within a Year wants to be Technical Lead, A Technical lead wants to be an Architect or Manager within a few months and a Manager wants to be a Delivery Head , Delivery Head to be the VP and the VP to be the CEO... Well No one really thinks beyond a CEO do they?

Looking aback I really feel that a team member who is best at coding is pushed to designing (The management Sales BUZZ WORD "GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES" sucks here), A Web Designer been asked to be a Animator because the company has got the project and they want to show him his growth prospects, A Technical lead who never thought outside beyond technology is asked to do People Management and poorly enough an illeterate (I really am talking here about everyone who are not business blooded) is asked to run an organisation.

After you have a read of this can you go,check and let me know if you think:
1. The Best Guys are doing what they used to do best and with evolving and surprising results?

2. All who are a part of your Team are there just because they are best at what they are doing?

3. Growth for them is designed in such a way that it is directly proportionate to the Aspiration and the exposure to achieve the aspiration?

4. People are not pushed to do things just to keep them within or make them run for a Mirage?

5. You are doing something you are Best at?

6. You are doing something for a long time and yet you want to do because everytime you do the same you think you have learnt more?

Huh? So many dammn questions and the answer is just one... "Diminishing Quality" So what to do about this? Lets make our Growth Planners added with a spice of an entity that tells us what we are best at, Let our employers know what we can do best for them, Let our resumes show what best we can bring to the given organisation and finally Let us take a Pledge that we will CARE ABOUT THE SOFTWARE WE DEVELOP Not for the sake of it but for a reason that can help the Software development Industry achieve the goals for what it was intended to have started...

Sameer Shaikh

P.S. Please do not take a Pledge just becuase you want to seen, Mean it.


  1. Best, Perfect, Flawless, Unspoiled... etc etc

    I think, all of the above exists just in words (in planet earth ;-)), which is OK really, because it is pragmatic, is it not? I somehow am obsessed by "Get better, Not Perfect"... yeah, perfection is an end, ...dead end.

    As I always think you get better as you practice more... to practice, you need a platform... oh boy! after all these, you need to START...
    (after all you can only win the lottery, if you buy one ;-))

    Platform, eh! Create one or wait for someone to create it for you. Either way, it is available, use it.

    Not very long ago, I came across one of my friend's friend's friend ;-) who is the founder of a popular Parent networking site.

    How did she find it?
    Passionate about being a mom, wanted to share and learn from parents worldwide. She was thinking, how can I do that? How can I share my valuable experience and learn from others about being a parent and raising kids? How can I be the great mom in the world?

    Ahhh! Web!... Bingo!
    After all, she was working for one of the biggest .com companies in the world. She left her well paid job and spent a year without a salary to setup this business. After all these years being in the web, her business got acquired for some few million dollars, waaah!

    What I see here...

    The blood colour was not business, it was just red (but more warm though) ;-).
    Was she the best? hell no... she practiced and practiced to become better.
    Maybe she is one among the million who does not believe in the "Best" terminology, otherwise she would have waited to see her $8 million fly away.

    More importantly, while others were just talking about it, she STARTED it. That for me... is the killer move.

    I personally think, one need to START first, to learn about it. They will fail miserably, but that is what will make them strong and successful (be it a developer or a leader or a manager or a CEO). (Some are made, not born ;-))

    So, get down and START doing things to become the BEST.

    On another note,

    "Are your Best Guys in Action?"

    Before deciding whether your best guys are in action, you need to see how to find the best guys who can action it.

    It is all about, "Actual Talent" and "Finding a Talent", I always think the later part is difficult and it can only be achieved by creating platforms for who we think are capable (I will leave this to our sExpert to blog more on it ;-)).

  2. Ok so the Big difference in reading Best is when you associate I to it and one when you associate You to it. The question is mapped to a Leader who is asked "Are your Best Guys doing what they are best at" simply because toxic leadership and management is always responsible for driving the Best out of someone to ground ZERO, thats where Projects fail when a developer is assigned to the web designing. A Policy maker is asked to implement policies. Its the other side who finds who is best amognst the crew and what they are best at.

    Ofcourse when a Team is formed its the leader who finds and decides who is Best at what and not the individual but the individual has aspiratiosn which the leader is aware of, So to me someone may not be the Best but for someone else he/she may be. So a person can do much much better than anyone else can and obviously he is the Best out of the crew... thus it obviously mean that what he is doing best is he doing it or not?

    Finally Best is the begining of getting better.

    About been the muggles in Harry Potter Language when I read
    I came across one of my friend's friend's friend ;-) who is the founder of a popular Parent networking site. It means that she was not at her Best when she was working for the biggest Dot com, morever she could only do well becuase she was Best at it? (Good at analysisng and finding what she needs to do, Good at having patience to work without salary , good at creating a share for future and present parents) which finally made her Best at what she was doing.. this is not all, practice makes anyone better but whats the use if the betterment come at the retirement age...

    The business blood only comes by expereince and its not inheritence at all still business blood is required to keep in the business there are several examples of failed business due to the lack of business blood. Been able to Sell the domain was just a normal human being, but selling it for 8 millions is business blood.

    while I read making the Best Guys do what they are best at is like converting the best aspirations to the best performance only if someone is best at grasping acquiring things the best possible way ofcourse there is always a scope to improve but that doesnt harms the growth.

    About finding a talent.... You can find a better talent only if you are Best in identifying the talent... but it doesnt mean that best is the end, acquiring bad talent can give lot of scope to make the Best much better.

    Sameer Shaikh
