Friday, 30 November 2007

Not much Blogging as I am on MARS these days

Dont get surprised.... I still havent won the trip to NASA from Aamir Khan its just that I have moved to a new place called MARS. I am sure your eyebrows are stretched but if you havent met me or spoke to me since last week its OK I can answer you. After our company got acquired a few months ago I happened to move to a new workplace where the acquiring company works from and this place gives me a feel of MARS or rather a Alien nation. Luckily I had some not good experiences lately and saw 2 movies concerning Aliens and I am sure I am in a Alien nation.

To justify this I read a few qualities of Alien's and am just trying to match them up here:

1. Who George Bush?
Means that Aliens dont know who is with them and who is around... Either no one cares about no one or No one want to care about no one.

2. Everyone is scared of Everyone?
Well last when I was in US a friend of mine told me that since the 9/11 everyone is afraid of everyone... cause you dont know who will do what to you.... the same thing applies to aliens and the same I feel out here.... I see many worried faces from the Aliens as if they are going to be killed.

3. Yada yada yada lada mada kada ...Did you understand ? No? I just used Marsisi
Well Aliens dont care whether you understand their language or not, they just want to be themselves and talk what they and no one else understand. Well it was better in Germany when people were talking in German but made sure that the eyes speak in English.... Veda and Kari I understand what you must have been feeling ;)

4. General -> Kernel -> Major -> Leiutinant -> Soldier -> Ardali -> Sweeper... its all about hirarchy
Aliens only know that the one with a gun in hads is their boss... so when they dont see guns they run crazy chickens... and ask whos got the gun ;)

So what to do when you come in the land of Aliens?

I will make up some points and meanwhile revise myself over the weekend... you be ready to read what you can do to make'em humans...


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