Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The Enterocial need!!! Can we get Enterprises Ready?

So much of hype of Social Media, so much to speak about it.. but with the world turning its heads on Social Media, Social search , Social culture... are the enterprises ready to adapt any of the good that Social Media brings in? Well I am not sure how much of it will be debated or how much will be agreed... but the challenges in running big enterprises lets you think on the best ways to improve enterprises and interaction in enterprises.... and Social buzz can be of good help there...

Think about a few challenges that enterprises face, everyday...

1. Communication : Departments like Human Resources, Administration needs to co-ordinate with the employees on a daily basis, on a mass basis... every time , every other day... not only they have to depend on certain tradtional modes of communication but also on the speed that is not so very promising...Imagine HR department want to call for a fire drill emergency update? Or think of a memo to not let people smoke out of the building? Today everyone in big organizations definitely uses Mobile phones... lot of them web enabled too.... why not have a tool (not just micro blogging) like a corporate twitter or yammer to let that happen at ease...

2. Information Share : They build huge share point portals... they put processes, documents everything on that portal... they enforce everyone in the company to have the portal as a default homepage... they block general internet to make people forcibly use it...imagine a automated chat robot that works with the enterprise intranet again... ask a question and get an answer... from within the team, from the automated robot... yes an enterprise aardvark...

3. Sales , Business Development and prospect networks : There are several business units, each business unit has its own set of contacts , prospects and well wishers... however there is no way for a Business Development Manager who joined a year ago to know who are our contacts in the last 10 years since the organisation is running.... A Linked in? An internal linked in that doesnt just create profiles of your sales team but the list of your own prospects.. with references that can link to future business development. Enhance the Enterprise linked in to a step further and add cross department, cross domain feather lists...

4. Business Processes?
Each department has its own process, due to domain or work ... Enterprises always worry about getting in sync, however mergers , acquisitions don't let them do that.... now imagine having one tool that can let each unit define its own Business process yet have it integrated in a tool... A Google process manager?

But imagine all of this getting into one tool or a set of integrated tools that can help enterprises adapt social buzz in a way... Are they ready.. No... can they be prepared for it? Yes...

I would call this concept as Enterocial i.e. Enterprise + Social .. and thats what can make our lives easier.... what do you think?


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