Thursday, 2 September 2010

Marry your blog first!!!

Kari and me discussed a day ago on how to manage time to maintain the blog. I realize that yes it indeed is.. very very difficult to manage time to keep the spirit and the blog updated. But in the end it is your commitment towards your blog that defines and shows how much you value it and how much time you spend with it. While I am in a humorous mood these days and also am understanding the dynamics of great relationships.. I thought it will be easier to put blogs and relationships together...

So the Seth Godin's , Arrington's and Om Malik's are those names in the Internet world who have married to there blogs.. and believe me they are very successful marriages. These are the guys who take blogging like marriage and blogs as their wives, result? you see quality post, medley gaps, but a very successful venture.. In Internet world a lot of people call these people Professional blogger.

So what is it that keeps this marriage going?

They are like those romantic moments of a married life, more the comments more the motivation, more the affection more the love. Of course you improvise on your marriage every time by putting efforts. Your coming home early, you buying gifts, those candle light dinners, those weekend outings and the cuddling post sex is what keeps the romantic momentum up. Similarly quality of posts, guest posts, accurate and timely information results in more and more interaction.... result ?

Visitors on your blog is like the time you spend with your spouse in marriage... the more the better. Every second spent on your marriage spouse increases the bonding, helps you strengthen the bonding and of course results in a successful marriage...

Well marriage is about satisfaction... some times you may not have everything going great, things would be bad , relationship strained.. but in the end its the satisfaction of having someone who loves you and waits for you, cares about you. Blogging is similar... sometimes you write for your satisfaction, people may not look at it, not read it, not like it ... but you care for your blog because you value it... the satisfaction of having something of your own keeps you going...

Well there are many other things that let these successful marriages of blogs reach heights... but lets also talk about those things that try to break your marriages...

So what stops you from keeping your blog up?

Many Wives dont work

2 blogs? 3 blogs? well its a disaster.. like you cant have many wives at once, you cant control multiple blogs at once.. though they stay on your input, they are very demanding... have a blog with 100 visitors, stop blogging within a very short span of time you would fine the page views and visitors going down... You have to spend time time on the looks of the blogs , structures, posts etc etc.. this demands a lot of time.. so while wives require lot of money (kidding), blogs need time... think of duplicating this and imagine the pain!!!!!

Affairs kill them
A lot of people who cannot hold on to their blogs is the reason of there involvement with various things... Social networks, chat tools, micro blogging sites and many other things...

I call Twitter as the glossy girl friend that gives the pleasure of marriage, but not the perks of it.. so if you see blogger turning twitterer's understand that they have fallen to the lucrative looking glamour of twitter. (I still advocate it ;))

Future - Kids, Money
One sign of successful marriage is future, kids.. A successful blog results in goodwill. The Arringtons and Scoble's started there blogging careers and are Internet celebs.. A lot of other blogger have turned not only in celebs but also do there living on it...

Now that we have known a bit about relationships and blogs with the limited wit and humour I have... lets find ways to keep our blogs running and let people learn from our experiences, share knowledge , enlighten people and succeed together.

For those of you who are still bachelor's in life... Go Marry your blog and be committed to it...I just want to say one thing... I Love Blogging


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