Thursday, 8 March 2007

Monday Morning.... Yuck?????

I recently landed up on this community on Orkut "Monday Sucks" and it was fortunate that there was no surprise… the community is full of Monday Haters… darn… Students, managers, Developers, Executives and a whole bunch of people saying why they hate Mondays…

Well it doesn't really take a community to tell you how much you hate Monday as you see lot of calls being made everyday when it comes to a discussion on a Monday … I don't know all or most reasons exactly why people hate, but I surely got a few things worth mentioning that can make your colleague not hate Monday:

Let your Week not begin with Monday: That is one reason our Sprint starts on Friday…I understand the most boring phase of a WORK LIFECYCLE is the beginning phase (Doesn't apply to you if you are a PP), and that's what every one of us think, Monday is the kickoff of work…

Avoid Meetings on Monday: Most of the Update Meetings happen on Monday, the first fear that comes to an employees mind is … "Damn… I got to update my Boss... and Hell I am not prepared…!" Or "Wish there was no party on the Friday night I would have finished some of my work on the weekend", actually lot more. No Meetings and Updates on Monday morning help release some pressure from the employees ;)

The Beginning of the Day should be 1 in the noon? I will get some stares from Kari (My Boss: D) for this… but I believe lot of guys are up until late even on Sunday nights… Be it a Family Function or a Dinner, or some auspicious occasion or a Bday party… starting late will kick off the thoughts of "Mom don't wake me up this early"

Light as a Feather, Smooth as Sush's cheeks: Mondays should be shorter and sweeter and the day should really begin with some sweet faces around…. It sounded funny to Mark (My previous employer) when I asked him to keep Interviews for BPO section on the Monday afternoon hours…

Well this is not all lot more you can do to get your Monday work as a Saturday… Just that you need to get out of the High School ;)

Sameer Shaikh


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