Wednesday, 13 June 2007

About Me

I finally get to write something about me.. About me and here...

For those who have hit the page as they are just curious to know about me... I somehow graduated, Accidentally ended up as a Project Manager, loved the profession, and enjoy the ups and downs of it. I love the puter but not more than the passion that drives me to become a Film maker ... if not now some years down the line. I enjoy internet as mush as you do, I enjoy reading and some sports... that my 10 inch belly out doesnt allow me...

I plan to join politics by year 2010 and want to work towards building a corruption free society. I am a work alcoholic and prefer working hard than smart. I am also a movie lover and believe it or not from District 9 to Ramu ke Sholay.. I watch every single movie that hits the cinema halls.

I look cute, but dont go by looks they are decieiving and the photo I put on my networks is usually the one when I looked Cute....If thats not enough for you... have a more of me...


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