Thursday, 7 June 2007

Want to be Productive? Sleep in the Office, Fill in the Toilets.....

OK so this is no funny thing...
Have you seen people dozing off in the meetings?
Have you seen people sinking in their desks at work?
Have you seen people daydreaming?

If you see people doing these ... make a point that they can be more productive then the ones who are UP, STRAIGHT and AWAKE all day.....

lately I heard from my Behavioural mentor that a small nap in the office helps him freshen up his mind and get ready for another 9 AM in the office though it is 4:30 PM and you are just about to leave the work.... I went back to those old days when I was working in the night shifts around 11 PM - 9 AM and had to take a 1 hour break every time between 3-4... those breaks were mostly used by me for taking those healthy naps that allowed me to be fresh and work hard for the rest of the day....

I thought it is important to tell how you can be more productive with the help of these naps... We here in India are not used to the 9-5 work and 10-6 bed culture.. meaning we are late to sleep and late to rise, this leads us to have not more than a few hours of sleep which is a bit less than what the human body requires... definitely the exception is Rama who wants to be in bed at 10... So when we follow these trashy schedules we tend to be tired with our brains.... somewhere or the other this tired "feeling" hurts the productivity within you... a small NAP at this time can really help you jingle and fresh and make you feel as if you just had enough sleep and are ready for work..

Obviously since you are a intelligent human being as I assume you will ask WHY? so let me be a Doctor for a while and explain you why... Usually you feel relaxed when you are asleep(unless you are alien) which means that your brain operates a bit slow in this state... the Gods of Science call it a Alpha state... this is the state where the Yog Gurus take you and you feel relaxed in a few minutes everyday ;) Me and you call it Meditation / Yoga... The operation cycle speed at this time is around 5-14 within your brain and when you are up and awake the cycles are at 14+ meaning when you slowly get the state of 5-10 you are quite relaxed and coming back to 14 make you feel that you are all good for work.. and of course fresh...

Now I believe you are Greedy .... Greedy cause you ask How to take these Naps at work and where in the office?

So I always preferred Toilets... this is the place where you wont find anyone watching you... shut your eyes for a while and forget about everything until someone bangs the door here...(I remember so many guys doing this in my previous firms and I making fun of it) or find a meeting room where people cannot see you ;) Or Go find a recreation hall or reach your home... these Naps I am sure help support you to reach the freshness level as in the morning and let you achieve some productive work... Also make sure that these are 5-10 mins naps and not 1-2 hrs sleep... else the Bosses will be upset if they don't find you on desk or someone cannot use the toilets.. ;) In which case you will have to use this freshness to find a new Job...

Great... so have a few naps today and see if it helps you...


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