Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Revise yourself

lately I realised that it had been a few months since I have revised myself... As a Manager I feel it is atmost important to keep on revising to avoid lapses and backsteps. A few things I could capture why I need a revision are:

1. Missing Objectives
2. Confused Deliverables
3. Untimed schedules
4. Rigid Views
5. Non passioned approach
6. vertical limits

What my next version would include will make sure that I
1. Know what I have to achieve
2. Know where I have to Go
3. Know what I have to do
4. Know what things come under my care
5. Identify and work towards what is the Goal
a. Personal
b. Organisational
c. Professional
d. Social
6. Last not the least When and How I have to do the above 5....

Do you think its the time for you to revise yourself ? If not then I think Yes it is... well let me mould my list and you mould yours ... and as a Thread I would like to update you what my tomorrows morning will bring for me.


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